

Du Plessis-Schneider, Sharon (2022): The Need to Belong in Secondary School.
 A Social Work Science Study of Austrian and Australian Students, Budrich Academic Press, Open Access title (DOI: 10.3224/96665045), free to download.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Mädge, Anna-Lena; du Plessis-Schneider, Sharon; Mittmann, Gloria & Jesser, Andrea Christine (2022): Digitale Angebote für Jugendliche als innovativer Ansatz zum Aufbau einer inklusiven Versorgungsstruktur in der Sozialen Arbeit (Digital services for young people to building an inclusive care structure in social work) SozialKapital no. 26, 2022.

Hemphill, Sheryl; Schneider, Sharon (2013): Excluding Students from School: A Re-examination from a Children’s Rights Perspective. School of Psychology, Australian Catholic University, pp. 88-96.

Schneider, Sharon (2009): Transkulturelle Schul-Sozialarbeit in Vorarlberg. In: Sozialarbeit in Österreich (SIO): Zeitschrift für Sozialarbeit in Österreich, June: pp. 28-31. 

Book Chapters 

Du Plessis-Schneider, Sharon (2020) The Social Problems of Marginalised Child Asylum Seekers: Advancing Critical Reflection on Children's Rights in Undergraduate Social Work Education, In: André, Graça & Jesus, Antonella (editors) Social Work, Human Rights and Intercultural Relations, Universidade Católica; Palma de Cima, Lisboa, ISBN: 9789725407301, pp. 52-74

Du Plessis-Schneider, Sharon (2020) When Things at School are Out of Sync: The Bittersweet Paradox of Suspension and Student Belonging, In: Towl, Patty and Hemphill, Sheryl A. Safe, Supportive, and Inclusive Learning Environments for Young People in Crisis and Trauma, Plaiting the Rope, 1st Edition, pp. 41-57.

Schneider, Sharon (2013): Transcultural Social Work: A Case Study Applying Children’s Rights in Practice. In: Koegeler Martina and Parncutt Richard: Interculturality, Practice meets Research. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 50-69.